When a court rejects true facts of things a plaintiff firsthand witnessed in favor of unwitnessed false hearsay, it is not just a matter of the court deciding what testimony to allow and accept as credible based on preconceptions and biases; e.g. preferring the narrative of the executive branch or Republican Party over people who have been arrested. It is not simply a bias preexisting or independently existing in courts or in a particular court, coming from long ago, to be “tough on crime”, to turn court decisions over to “the people”, or even to just accept as true whatever is necessary to give a politically convenient outcome the appearance of law.
It is a specific narrative in a specific case, originating in Seminole County and disseminated through various actors in the Florida government. It is the fact since the day the plaintiff began trying to publicize the true fact that the entire Dollhouse robbery case was a scam and hoax, there has been pushing back from Seminole County an effort to say Plaintiff is a crazy liar and none of it is true, and to hide evidence from examination in court (or publicly in the media), and to protect the government’s lies and process for lying.
That pushback to defend lies traveled through the Florida government and Republican Party, through the various participants in 2:21-cv-14355, and ultimately into false gossip accepted as true by the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida. The Court’s (prior) decision came not from any actual witness, but through a social process originating in Seminole County, and traveling to the Court along a highway of biases and preconceptions that was designed to transport lies into determinations by courts.
The particular narrative originates somewhere. The highway system or the biases of the judge did not originate the lies. The outcome was not decided by evidence in the courtroom, or by independent tendencies of the judge. The biases and political interests eagerly provided the highway system along which falsehoods were allowed to travel and truth was prohibited. Every court case that has brushed up against the Dollhouse robbery hoax seems to disappear into some kind of time warp like a sci-fi take on general relativity. And that can all be traced back to a social and political process upstream from any court decisions, whose headwaters are in Seminole County.
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