EVIL LAWYERS DON’T CARE ABOUT THE INNOCENT – The Innocence Project Racket is a Scam

The Marcellus Williams case is another example of lawyers being willing to let innocent people die, for politics. There are two things to focus on:
1) No lawyer is arguing in favor of jury trials. No lawyer is currently arguing that the original Marcellus Williams jurors were misled or had an uncured bias about the reliability of prosecution witnesses. People who show up for jury duty imagine they will go to jail if they don’t show up. And they also imagine, incorrectly, that prosecutors and state witnesses risk a penalty, rather than a reward, for lying; that “informants” will go to jail if later found to have lied.
2) Rather, the lawyers are arguing that you can prove innocence before judges in appeals courts. All of these ideas are wrong, 1) that you can prove innocence, 2) that a trial by judge is worth anything, and 3) that there are the resources to find out what really happened in every case, over decades in appeals courts, rather than this just being a venue for politics.
So why do lawyers let prosecutors mislead jurors, and instead promote a process that lets thousands of innocent people sit in prison or get executed? Because nobody wants to, or can afford to hold jury trials. They all want someone other than the jury to decide guilt, which gives those other people money and power. What all these alternative processes do that a jury trial cannot, is allow politics to decide who is innocent and guilty, and allow political influence in the decision of guilt.
By letting prosecutors select witnesses to prove anyone is guilty that newspapers have told the voters is guilty, prosecutors get elected and the political party appointing the judges gets elected. By letting state witnesses lie at trial, defense lawyers get to negotiate plea bargains for their lying clients, and save money not having to go to trial in exchange for helping the sheriff and prosecutor get reelected. By holding trials before judges in appeals courts, The Innocence Project gets to raise money to have guilt determined for a handful of popular people by them in appeals courts, never by jurors.
All of this proving innocence always happens after the original prosecutors, witnesses, and lying cops, are long gone, and there is no political pushback making the truth inconvenient.
So thousands of innocent people sit in prison, and meanwhile a bunch of Innocence Project lawyers and state Attorney Generals get to prance around in a political theater for a few famous inmates. When the real solution is to demand jury trials, by demanding state witnesses who are found to have lied be prosecuted, and demanding defense lawyers be allowed to tell jurors the truth about the reliability of state witnesses. But that will never happen, because juries deciding helps nobody but the innocent, while the present process is a gravy train for politicians, TV personalities, and lawyers in the “proving innocence” racket. All without any local news reporter ever having to call a cop a liar at the time of the original trial, and risk getting a DUI.
I don’t think any of the people who work at Innocence Project have ever even sat through a jury trial or worked as a public defender, or have any idea what goes on. The only process that can protect the innocent is the jury trial. But none of these people have any interest in it, because telling jurors the truth and letting them decide is designed specifically because it is politically inconvenient. Juries deciding is designed for that purpose to find truth rather than political convenience, and makes money and fame for no one and gets nobody elected.
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