Susan Lorincz, Nathaniel Woods, and Premeditation

It is interesting to compare the evidence of premeditation by Susan Lorincz who is out on bond, to Nathaniel Woods who was executed.

They admit Woods didn’t pull the trigger, but they say he is a bad person in general. They make a ridiculous luring claim which is implausible on its face. And they then claim the coerced hearsay of some felons proves Woods’ state of mind.

Police went to Woods’ house not with an invitation or according to the intention of any occupant. They in fact entered against the will of any occupant. They went there with an arrest warrant to arrest Woods.

Compare this to Susan Lorincz who bought a gun admittedly with Ajike Owens in mind, researched “stand your ground” law, and took an Ipad from Owens’ kids, with the only rational expectation that they would come onto her property to try to get the Ipad back.

Police entered Woods’ house and were arresting Woods, when his roommate came down the stairs and shot the cops. Compare this to Susan Lorincz, who did the shooting herself, of the exact person whom she had in mind when she bought the gun. Think of Joshua Huston.

To justify the execution of Woods, they refer to statements Woods made while he was held awaiting trial. Being held without bond is a system for manufacturing statements they can claim incriminate the defendant, when the evidence of the content of his mind is lacking at the time he is arrested.

When someone is held without bond, they can coerce other inmates to claim they overheard the defendant confess, they can pick and choose from phone calls and other activities in a misleading way, they can simply have anyone who was in the jail lie that the defendant said or did something incriminating.

The State seeks no opportunity to manufacture incriminating statements that show the intent of Susan Lorincz. They undercharged Lorincz, relative to people like Leigha Day and Jean Macean who were charged with premeditation with no evidence of it. And they sent Lorincz home on bond, while people like Ron DeSantis incite every day about violent criminals bonding out.

Premeditation – the invisible contents of the mind – is not based on the law, but on the politics of who kills whom. If a good person kills a bad person, it is never premeditation, only some terrible circumstance created by the very existence of the bad person. Whereas a bad person by definition premeditates all his shootings of good people, which are all by definition unjustified.

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