It is pretty funny to hear Hannah Cox advocating a policy, and attacking the very policy she advocates in a single article “How to Make Policing Smarter”. Without realizing it.

Hannah says “The reality is the vast majority of the population is not violent, rather it is typically concentrated among a very small network of people within each region.” This in the same article in which Hannah said “police are not funded in a way that incentives the prioritization of… preventing violent crimes.” And Hannah also made fun of the NYPD “spending its time confiscating ‘weapons’ that are equivalent to BB guns.”

Does Hannah not consider the possibility that police are doing exactly what she demands, targeting violent people who have the capacity to be capable of future crimes, by getting them on technicalities like BB guns, and confiscating their cars?

Our justice system is designed to punish past crimes, not to put people who are deemed capable of future violence in concentration camps. The government is already challenged in creating an honest and uncorrupted process to decide if each accused person actually did a past violent crime. Hannah talks about false convictions all day. But now Hannah is demanding the government undertake an even more ambitious program, to determine which citizens are violent in a general sense – guilty of the capacity for violence – and incarcerate them to prevent future crimes?

So how do you get this subset of people capable of future violence, in a system designed to punish past crime? You do the opposite of what Hannah has advocated elsewhere. You harass everyone that fits the profile of criminals. Low income, old cars, drug users, in a bad neighborhood, in the vicinity of crimes, from a racial background statistically associated with crime.

How else does Hannah expect to predict those capable of future violence, except by 1) using statistical associations, or 2) giving police discretion to pick out who these bad people are? Does Hannah want “pure democracy” where the public votes on who are the bad members of society that need to be cleansed out?

Isn’t it possible that police are already targeting the exact people whom the local voter wants removed from society to prevent future crime? And they are using gun control and car confiscation and any means available – even BB gun laws – to do it? And they have simply stopped doing it recently, to coerce the public to embrace their misconduct?

You can be sure if cops went to a neighborhood and started harassing kids and taking away their BB guns, it was exactly the children whom the 51% majority of voters imagines will grow up to be those future violent criminals. Hannah “Karen” Cox can carry a toy gun all day without event.

Maybe Hannah should just realize what libertarians are supposed to know: Police are stupid, and the local voter is capable of future violence even if they hire someone else to do it. Any Jewish person knows, the mythical upstanding citizen not capable of violence does not exist, and government violence is the most brutish of all.

There is no police reform, just putting cops who lie in prison, which will never happen. Because we live in a world of chimpanzees, and libertarians who get 10 clicks. Police are already shooting children with toy guns, to remove those whom the local voter deems a future statistically likely risk to society.

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