Are Abortion Bans a Form of Torture?

Libs will tell you Republicans don’t care about life, they just want power over women’s bodies. Sadly I think it is even worse than that. The majority of Republican abortion supporters seem to be married people or single guys who have no interest in abortion, but just like to cause pain to single lib girls and city people, and to anyone from the other side at any opportunity.
The percentage of people who actually care about the religious concept of life in the United States, or in a state full of degenerates like Florida, is very small. The percentage of humans who have the impulse to torture their neighbors at the slightest provocation, and to use the government to do it, is very high.
The giveaway that Republicans don’t care about life, or even Constitutional originalism, but care about torture, is revealed in their comments and responses to the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade. The vast majority are excited to see leftist city girls with green hair miserable. Many Republicans even get excited about the idea of “rooftop Koreans” shooting such protestors, like they did after the Rodney King verdict.
But not a single Republican of the thousands I have seen, has anything to say about why a girl should have a kid instead of getting an abortion. Several have recited the term “culture of life”. But not one has elaborated with an additional word to say what that means. The best kept secret in the Republican Party, is what they are actually telling girls in pregnancy centers, to help them choose life.

If Republicans cared about life, they would all be spending at least half their time reciting whatever those pregnancy centers say. But none of them seem to know or even think about that. They will talk about “RINOs” and “satanic libs” and all about abortion rights as part of their war on their neighbors. But not one of them in hundreds of pages has said one word about why a girl should choose life.
Girls who think there will be a better time or father to have a kid, are usually wrong. That better time and person never comes. Right now is great and there are many reasons for it. A person who cares about life, should be able to list those reasons, not list ways to shoot people who disagree with him.
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