Hannah Cox recently posted a video called “Why we need decentralized power.” In it she said the following:

The federal government is too big, and its got its hands on too many things. This has always been the problem with the centralization of power. That’s why you need the power to be localized, you need the decisions to be made locally, you need to be as close to the source of the issue as possible. Right now you have a bunch of people in DC who want to centrally plan for millions of people across the country who they largely do not know, have never seen, don’t understand their circumstances, and really are too far removed from the problem to even accurately address it.

“Why we need decentralized power.” – Hannah Cox, libertarian

Hannah, the local problem is that my neighbor is alive. That is the problem local solutions will be designed to solve. That is the problem man has been programmed to perceive, since he lived in tribes competing for scarce land resources. That is the problem Athens had with Sparta. That is the problem solved by islands, unsolved by boats, and solved by Jesus.

People say if only we had a centrally planned economy, we could plan to provide everyone milk and medicine. But once given that power, central planners plan to manufacture votes and tanks. Similarly, the problem most local people want to solve is to exterminate the minority faction.

It is human nature to think you can perfect society, by exterminating the bad people. Local control is like a pet lion. It may not kill you today or tomorrow, but it is too dangerous to live with. So too is any unchecked power by the local 51% majority faction. Rand Paul was attacked by his neighbor. If such ordinary people reach 51% to elect the sheriff and prosecutor, they will kill Rand Paul.

Anthony Sabatini whom Rand Paul endorsed in Florida, oversees such a system as a Florida legislator. State Attorney Phil Archer will overlook crimes causing the death of anyone who is unpopular or unconnected. Phil Archer – the hero prosecutor of the Florida Republican Party – will even be a party to such crimes by people like Representative Randy Fine and Speaker Chris Sprowls and Governor DeSantis, committing crimes against dissidents. This I have documented without dispute.

Rand Paul’s neighbor lived next to the source of the issue. Rand Paul’s neighbor made a plan to deal with his local issue. Rand Paul’s neighbor had seen the issue, and understood the unique circumstance that the issue lived next to him. Rand Paul’s neighbor accurately addressed the problem.

How can people who have been attacked by their neighbors, or seen innocents sentenced to death with lies, be so blind to the prevailing human nature that undermines their rational utopia? Do you assume people don’t have genitals, just because they are wearing clothes?

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