In Miami around 2008, I knew a teenage girl whose boy-crazy teenage friend crushed on me. I told her I had a girlfriend, and soon after she got pregnant off some teenage guy who was in jail, and whose facebook profile said below his picture “sex money murder”. Me and the friend were laughing at this kid, who never touched $1000 in his life, and basically got arrested the first crime he ever did. He basically was born, bought some baggy pants, got this girl pregnant, sold $200 worth of weed, and got charged with attempted robbery for hitting his neighbor with a can opener or something.
In 2015 I saw some teenage girl in Orlando had interacted with a picture on Instagram of a young guy who called himself some variation of “mr_sexmoneymurder”. Of course I was curious to see how much sex, money, and murder this kid could boast, so I looked at his Instagram. Despite his efforts, you could tell there was a lot of skateboarding, but not much actual sex, money, or murder.
So fast forward to today, and I see insufferable blabbermouth idiot Sheriff Grady Judd and Attorney General Ashley Moody are bragging about taking down the infamous “sex money murder gang”. They even had an organizational chart, claiming to show the gang’s management hierarchy. Who knew that this notorious gang of small-time idiots in Miami and Orlando had its greatest presence in Polk County? Leave it to Republicans to exaggerate the criminal exploits of these juvenile delinquents even more than the kids themselves could.
So what are the charges they boast for the sweep of this notorious and ultra-dangerous “sex money murder gang”? After reading the news stories, they mentioned not a single murder or robbery charge, but “racketeering” and “conspiracy to commit murder” with no other underlying felonies mentioned, and maybe common drug dealing or owning a gun(!) or something. “Sex money murder” is a hashtag used by black teenagers in Florida who pose with a gun on Instagram, and get arrested for walking down the street before their first actual crime, not a sophisticated criminal organization.
I will remind these complete fraud scumbags who pretend to protect the public safety, that a man James Mulrenin who drugged my friend was actually convicted of racketeering, and even had a violation of probation for it, and never went to prison. He had an apartment full of drugs when he died. And yet when a gang of lying cops – acting on behalf of James Mulrenin’s actual gang – lied to frame my friend for his murder and take her life, this actual drug-involved racketeer was painted in court and in the newspapers as an upstanding angel whom everyone loved.
One of the people they let out of prison as a reward for promising to lie about my friend in court was Maletta Rae Young Galarza. She was an actual habitual offender who had been getting felony drug arrests for 10 years, when she was arrested for arranging an aggravated home invasion battery where they repeatedly kicked the victim in the face and apparently broke his jaw, before she stepped over him on the floor. While Maletta was fresh out on bond for that, they kicked in her door and caught her dealing fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, meth, suboxone, amphetamine, lorazepam, and codeine. She also had a loaded gun and extra bullets in a drug baggie.
For all that they sentenced Maletta to two years, because she cooperated by among other things swearing to a straight fake story to give my friend life for an imaginary robbery, to perpetuate their tough-on-crime fraud. Maletta even admitted she was lying and never testified against my friend, and they still gave her just two years. When Judge John Galuzzo scheduled Maletta’s sentencing, he specifically told her and they wrote in the minutes “DEFENDANT MUST APPEAR ON TIME TO NEXT COURT DATE” and “DEFENDANT IS NOT TO BE ARRESTED OR COMMIT ANY NEW LAW VIOLATIONS.”
So on Friday October 5, 2018, Maletta showed up late to her sentencing, and Judge Galuzzo told her to come back Monday. And then on Monday Maletta came back to court, with more drugs stuffed inside her than you thought a girl could fit. They caught her in jail with five small balloons that she was carrying around in her mouth, and two large balloons in her cell, containing buprenoprhine, naloxone, meth, alprazolam, and fentanyl. While those charges were pending, Maletta told her boyfriend to mail her suboxone in the jail which he did, and she got caught and charged for that also.
For all that, including 21 felony arrests from 2017 to her sentencing for the first one – and dealing fentanyl in the county jail – Maletta Young was in prison for 18 months, from 11/13/2019 to 05/19/2021. For comparison, the big statewide “sex money murder” bust mentions a girl who sprayed ketamine on some paper and mailed it into the prison. My friend who is in prison says (and is corroborated by other girls) that the prison is full of crackheads. And the primary supplier of actual crack to the female inmates is the guards. One way they get paid is sex, but there is apparently also a lot of money involved, with these Florida government employees.
But then they round up a bunch of black teenagers for posting costume pics to try to look gangsta on social media, and claim to be tough on crime. Don’t ever forget Republicans are frauds on crime who take the lives of black children for votes in a tough-on-crime scam. Grady Judd claims to be loved for “telling it like it is”. But Florida law guarantees there can be no consequence no matter how many lies or ridiculous stories he tells, trying cases in the media an inciting against your children for votes and fake glory.
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