Paul Howell was murdered on July 28th, 1999. Despite having confessed to the murder three times, his killer Christopher Jordan is today a free man.
Many claim Julius Jones pulled the trigger, which they then tried and convicted him for. The defenders of Christopher Jordan’s innocence make the following claim on their website about those who say Christopher Jordan is a murderer:
They turn to social justice warriors who do not have access to the transcripts, or to the legal opinions authored by the various appellate courts.
Strangely, they do not then link these transcripts or legal opinions on their web page, to solve the main problem they point to. The very words “transcripts” and “legal opinions” could be turned into links to the cited material in under 30 minutes. Instead, they provide two tiny snippets of trial testimony. Such trial snippets are the statements coached by the prosecutor and cropped by the judge after years of refining their narrative. They choose not to provide the original witness statements or depositions or police reports, which tell a more fresh and complete and unadulterated story, from closer to when the murder took place.
Three separate witnesses, who were not coerced in any way, have signed sworn affidavits admissible at trial, that Christopher Jordan confessed to the murder. There is sufficient evidence to try and convict Christopher Jordan for this murder.
It is long overdue that the State of Oklahoma try and execute Christopher Jordan for the murder of a fellow human being, Paul Howell.
For too long have sappy politicians placed their own political theater ahead of actually being tough on crime and going after dangerous killers. Call Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt and his staff at 405.777.7840 right now, and demand the trial and execution of dangerous felon and CONFESSED MURDERER Christopher Jordan.
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