Governor Ron DeSantis Sends Six Sheriffs To Retaliate For Complaint To Inspector General (video of cops)

Governor Ron DeSantis Sends Six Sheriffs To Retaliate For Complaint To Inspector General (video of cops)

On the evening of Sunday August 15, 2021, before dark in Okeechobee, I used the labeled-field form on the website of the Florida Inspector General, to submit a complaint. I filled out the complaint web form using my correct real name and email address.

My full IG complaint is at the bottom of this article. After being harassed by police so many times, I petitioned the US District Court for a restraining order against Governor DeSantis.

I complained that State Attorney Phil Archer and Speaker Chris Sprowls had been sending armed sheriffs to harass me, without having probable cause or charging me with a crime. They sent armed men to trespass on my property without a warrant after they were told to stay off. They got a corrupt judge to sign an affidavit full of lies in Pinellas County 21-00796-CF. They kept me out on bond for five months without ever charging me with a crime, and refused to provide any discovery or documentation.

I also added at the bottom of the complaint, that both these state officials were aware police lied in the Mandi May Jackson case. They spent months examining a website where this is documented, as well as all the files in my laptop they took, where this is documented. Their official policy on police breaking the law is omerta.

The next morning, I was somehow tracked, located, approached, and detained for over 40 minutes starting around 11:00 AM, by six or more Okeechobee deputy sheriffs, after walking out of a 7-11 gas station. Their original stated purpose was to detain me on orders of “the Governor”, as a prompt immediate response to my supposedly sending recent emails to the Governor, and to threaten me, while claiming such detention was allowed without any crime or documentation as a “welfare check”.

They said we have a message from the Governor’s office: Whatever you did for the Governor to send us here, don’t do it. And we are not going to let you go until you promise not to do it. They said they didn’t need a charge. They said it is a welfare check. They said if the Governor says he is worried about my welfare, they can detain me in good faith without any documentation.

I cannot recall ever sending any emails to the Governor. Though some older websites are designed to send emails when someone submits a form. And it may be that submitting the complaint, resulted in the content of my complaint being emailed to someone in the executive branch. And then some person told the Governor that a complaint mentioned his friend Chris Sprowls, and emailed the Governor witrh a forwarded copy of the complaint. But this is purely hypothetical. It may be that someone else sent the Governor an email, or there was no email. No documentation was provided to me to clearly explain why I was detained and threatened.

They threatened to detain me and worse, and specifically stated I would not be allowed to go before a judge, unless I promised to stop emailing politicians.

I have been trying to obtain all video of this event, which video has been promised by an associate of 7-11. The reason given for the delay in proving the video, is that it is many gigabytes, owing to the subjects being in a large area over a surprisingly long time. I have provided a full account of this event below.

At 6:58 PM, within a half hour to an hour of writing my IG complaint, I got a single hit on my web site, from a cellphone in Tallahassee.

68,57.171.170 – – [16/Aug/2021:01:58:05 +0300] “GET /read/?section=1&page=24 HTTP/1.0” 200 7351 “http;//seminolescamDOTru/read/” “Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SAMSUNG SM-G970U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/14.2 Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Mobile Safari/537.36”

68,57.171.170 – – [16/Aug/2021:01:58:05 +0300] “GET /read/pageimage.php?page=24&section=1 HTTP/1.0” 200 257076 “http;//seminolescamDOTru/read/?section=1&page=24” “Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SAMSUNG SM-G970U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/14.2 Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Mobile Safari/537.36”

68,57.171.170 – – [16/Aug/2021:01:58:05 +0300] “GET /read/pageimageocr.php?page=24&section=1 HTTP/1.0” 200 4794 “http;//seminolescamDOTru/read/?section=1&page=24” “Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 11; SAMSUNG SM-G970U) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/14.2 Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Mobile Safari/537.36”

68,57.171.170 United States of America Florida Tallahassee
ISP Organization Latitude Longitude
Comcast Cable Communications LLC Not Available 30.4383 -84.2807

It was strange, because my website was also the referring website for the single hit. But I had no other traffic from this visitor. This suggests this visitor had my web site opened for a long time.

The page that was visited on my website after I made the complaint, mentioned an anonymous complaint I made to the Florida Department of Children and Families in 2015. At that link, I explained how in that complaint I misdirected who wrote the complaint, basically out of fear of getting shot for writing the complaint. Whoever read that, must have thought sending a bunch of sheriffs threatening to shoot me, would scare me from making my current complaint to the Inspector General.

This morning around 11:30 AM, I went into the 7-11 by NW 30th street in Okeechobee. Within perhaps a minute of entering, I saw a deputy pull up in a marked Camaro-type vehicle, at a somewhat high rate of speed, and pull into a parking spot. When I walked out, I saw him looking at me, and saw part of his face, in a direct sun ray. He was sort of youngish and maybe handsome, with like a reddish scruff beard down his jaw. After I got into my car at the gas pump, he pulled up behind me, though not directly behind me. After maybe a minute he turned on his flashers, so I got out of my car and left my door open.

He told me to come around to the front of his car. He asked who I was. I told him my name. I believe a second sheriff who just walked up said “We just want to talk to you.” The one on the right asked me if I had anything in my pockets. I said a wallet.

A second and third and several more sheriffs pulled up. At some point I made an extra effort to keep track of what deputy said what. The deputy on at the front of the original car was thick with reddish hair, but I could not locate a name on his uniform. Since I believe he was the same first deputy who flashed his lights, I will call him D1.

The second one on the right who did an equal amount of talking, was named “Rogers”.

I asked “You want to talk to me on probable cause of what? What is the charge?”

Rogers said that is what we want to talk you about. There is no charge, it is a welfare check. The Governor asked us to do a favor, and come check on your welfare. You are being detained. You are not free to go.

D1 said “You have been sending some emails to the Governor.”

I said I have not sent any emails to the Governor. And I would like to see some documentation of that. D1 insisted I had at least sent emails to the Governor’s office. I said no. He said it didn’t matter, if the Governor sends him to get me, they are coming to get me.

D1 (or maybe Rogers) asked if he could search my car. Got any guns bombs explosives? Mind if I take a look, can I search your car?

I said no you don’t have permission to search my car, because this is a scam. You have no probable cause.

I said what are you guys tracking my phone? They didn’t answer. I said I assume you must be tracking my phone, I don’t know how else you would come find me here. I would like to see that warrant.

I said to D1, “For your own curiosity, if they say I sent emails to the Governors office, you might be curious to someday check if it is really true. Because I didn’t. And you should at least check that someday just out of your own curiosity. You might at least be a little suspicious whether it happened.”

D1 said I sent something. I said the only time I can even remember thinking of sending an email to the Governor was over a year ago, around July 2020. I said I was sending emails to a lot of elected officials about the election. I thought about emailing the Governor, but my best memory is that I could not find an email address. And it made sense, because the Governor would get about 1,000 emails a day, so there is no point trying to email him. So I did not email him.

D1 said it doesn’t matter, because I am not accused of a crime, it is welfare check. They don’t need any documentation. It is the Baker Act. If any person says they are worried about my welfare, they can come check on it and detain me.

I said “I want to go before a judge.” D3, a skinny dark-haired deputy standing to my left of Rogers said “That is not going to happen.”

I said don’t you at least find that it suspicious, that the Governor would be worried about the welfare of a strange person he never met 500 miles away in Okechobee? I never met the Governor. D1 said it was not the Governor himself, it was the Governor’s office. I said why on Earth, what basis would anyone in Tallahassee have, to worry about the welfare of stranger in Okeechobee?

I said normally a welfare check would come from someone who knows me. Like if someone standing right here on the street called you saying they were worried about my welfare, that would make sense. But there is no basis for someone 500 miles away to be worried about my welfare.

Rogers said it is normal for a family member who is not there, to call police and ask them to do a welfare check on someone. I said the Governor – the Governor’s office – is not my family. I don’t know them. There is no basis for them think about my individual welfare. It is a scam.

Rogers said if the Governor says it, then they can come detain me based on good faith. I said someone 500 miles away cannot in good faith have an opinion on my welfare. Rogers said that is a civil matter, for a court to decide. I said I am going to be saying it in court.

D3 said I don’t know what “good faith” is, when he (Rogers) said it is the first time I ever heard it.

Rogers said I must have sent something to someone. He said I must have sent an email to someone in Washington just recently, for them to be there today. I said I have not sent any emails to Washington recently.

I said I made a complaint to the Florida Inspector General last night. Rogers said that is what it was. He said my complaint contained a threat or something.

I said my complaint to the Inspector General last night did not contain any threat. In a general sense, it was a complaint about what is happening right here. I said elected officials were sending police to stalk and harass me without a charge or probable cause, and I consider it an abuse of state power and the taxpayer treasure.

police on my property after being told not to trespass

D3 said “Why are you speaking? There is no reason for you to be speaking.” I said because someone is telling lies about me, saying I sent an email to the Governor, I am going to say it is a lie. D3 said “Why are you angry?” I said I am angry because I am on my way somewhere, and I am being harassed and detained based on a complete scam. I have this guy saying I emailed the Governor when I didn’t. I have this guy saying I threatened someone in Washington when I didn’t. D3 said there is no reason for you to be angry. D3 said what do you have some place to go, you have a job? I said I am on my way somewhere or I wouldn’t be at the gas station. I said if I detained you (D3) for no reason, I am sure you would be angry. D3 said he would be just fine with it.

Rogers said there is no point in me speaking, if the Governor says to detain me. I said I am going to keep objecting to being detained based on lies, and to being falsely accused and lied about. Rogers said that is for the court. I said yes I am saying it now and I will keep saying it and say it in court.

Around this time, a deputy went over to my open car door, and started looking around inside it. I believe it was D3.

They kept saying they were waiting for a call to tell them if they needed to detain me. More deputies arrived. Rogers or some other deputy kept saying my complaint to the Florida Inspector General contained a threat.

I was surrounded by deputies. Rogers, or another deputy behind and to my left, asked if I had been charged with some crime. I explained my complaint to the Inspector General was because deputies in Pinellas wrote an affidavit full of lies, and kept me on bond for five months without charging me or providing any documentation.

Rogers asked if I had been charged with a crime or something. I said I had not been charged with a crime at either the federal or state level. D1 asked me if the Capitol Police had contacted me. I said they had not. He said the Capitol Police should be contacting me. No Capitol Police have ever contacted me.

Around this time, I think the same deputy who looked around through my open car door (D3?) took a picture of my car from the front, and was walking around my car like he took other pictures.

Finally Jolly came, who is a Lieutenant or some kind of higher authority. He said what’s the problem?

Well, I’m in a little bit of an irritable mood, because I’m on my way somewhere, and I’m being detained based on what seems to be some kind of a scam, or based on a false accusation.

Jolly said we are detaining you for sending emails to the Governor. I said it is not true. D1 said I sent emails to the governor, but I didn’t and there is no documentation. Rogers said my complaint to the Inspector General is why we are here, but my complaint did not contain a threat. And it was a form, not an email, though the form may have resulted in an email to someone.

Jolly said what about elected officials? You made threats to elected officials. I said I did not. He said you admit to emailing elected officials last summer though, right? I said yes. But they did not contain any threats. You cannot provide me with any documentation of any email I sent that made any threat.

I said you know something strange happened a few days ago, and I wonder if this has something to do with it. I got a notice of a toll violation in the mail. But it was not my license plate, it was a picture of a car that was not my car, and it was someplace I never been. It was a notice, like a bill, like it said you need to pay 5.75 or seven dollars or whtever the toll was. So what did you do? I called the FLorida Department of transporation of the FDOT or whatever, the toll people, and told them it was not my license plate not my car I wasn’t there, the lady said this is an obvious plate misread I am clearing it up, and in a few minutes she said she fixed it. So I wonder if maybe they think I was somewhere I wasn’t. Jolly said where was it? I said south down I-75 somewhere, I’m not really sure where. But where on I-75? I don’t exactly because I wasnt there. I tried to look up where they said, but I wasn’t able to figure out the exact location. Somewhere down south I-75 by the everglades? Jolly said what happens is just the camera… when you’re driving past… they read a plate wrong. you’d be surprised how often people just pay those without even checking. But that’s not what this is about.

Jolly said – like Rogers and D1 already told you – whatever you are doing, the Governor does not like it. And he sent us here to get you to stop. If you sent a complaint to the Inspector General don’t. Jolly said they are not going to let me go, until they are sure I am not going to do whatever I did last night.

I said you are saying you are going to hold me until I promise not to send any emails to the Governor or make threats to Washington. But I never made any threats to Washington, and I didn’t send any emails to the Governor. I am not going to promise not to do something I never did, and I am going to keep doing what I do. I said I am going to keep sending complaints to the Inspector General, and complaining about this in any avenue I can. And it is my right to complain to elected officials.

Jolly said I am not listening, I am not understanding. I need to stop sending complaints or whatever I am doing, or they are going to arrest me or shoot me or something, I don’t remember exactly how he hinted it would be bad news.

I said now you are playing this coercive game, threatening that if I make a complaint to the Inpector General, you are going to harm me. But I have not committed a crime, and I have a right to complain about stuff like this.

Jolly said I threatened the Governor. I said let me see it, I want to see documentation. Jolly said he had copies of emails right over at the station of me threatening the Governor. I said I would like to see that because it never happened. I asked what were the dates. He said last summer. I said I did not email the Governor last summer, I would like to see it.

Jolly said they are here because of my complaint to the Inspector General. I said that is not a crime. Jolly said it is part of a pattern. My prior behavior sending emails to elected officials in July over a year earlier, makes my complaint to the Inspector General a crime. I said didn’t make any illegal emails last summer, it is my right and duty to email elected officials around an election.

Jolly said what I am missing is the pattern. He said suppose a guy gets a lot of speeding tickets. We would say he has a pattern of speeding. And when we see that guy, we would say we want to talk to him.

I said I have not been charged with a crime. But since you think I sent an email to someone that you claim was close to the line, that was like speeding, so now my complaint to the Inspector General is a crime.

Jolly said crossing the line is in the eye of the beholder.

I said D1 said I sent emails to the Governor, I didn’t. Rogers said my complaint to the Inspector General had a threat in it, it didn’t. You are saying I sent threatening emails last summer, but I didn’t. But you are saying because I have a pattern of complaining to elected officials last summer, and I sent an email which someone didn’t like in January but which wasn’t a threat, that my complaint to the Inspector General becomes a crime.

Jolly said I explained it perfectly. And I need to stop my pattern.

I said I am not going to stop complaining to elected officials, and specifically complaining about being harassed like this.

Jolly said I am still not getting it. Whatever I am doing, or whatever I sent last night, the Governor’s office sent them to make sure I stop. Don’t do it. Or else there is going to be some kind of vague threat.

I said I didn’t email the Governor. Jolly said what about Washington, you emailed the White House.

I said I cannot recall ever in my life emailing the White House. I would not even consider it, because I am sure they get a million emails a day. The chance of them reading my email would be zero, it would be a waste of my time.

Jolly said I am free to go, but I still kept arguing as we all walked away, that I never emailed the White House in my life, yada yada yada.

Below is my original complaint that Governor DeSantis sent six sheriffs for.

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