10 Undeniable Truths of Life (for Republicans)
A long time ago, Rush Limbaugh came up with his “10 undeniable truths of life”. It included things like feminism was invented to give unattractive women access to the mainstream of society. Here are 10 things which Republicans have trouble admitting in 2021.
1. You cannot win elections when you support a teenager driving to another town with an AR-15, looking for a quarrel and finding it, and killing two people, like Kyle Rittenhouse did. The suburban moms who are supposedly tough on crime, don’t like this.
2. You cannot win elections when you revel in someone getting shot in the spine like Jacob Blake. Even if you come up with arguments why police have to shoot someone even though he poses no immediate threat and is casually walking away, you have to appreciate it is tragic, not something to enjoy. You will never convince people they should be happy Breonna Taylor is dead. Even if Breonna were trying to kill someone like the causeway cannibal, it would still be a tragedy to have to shoot her.
3. You make enemies when you suggest police should be allowed to shoot anyone who is found guilty of rape, or found to be undesirable, by an Internet mob. You make enemies when you say police immunity should be used by newspapers to destroy strangers with false allegations. The math does not favor an increase in voter support, when you let people know it is your favorite pastime to incite mobs against a never-ending supply of strangers with gossip.
4. Police are government employees, like the post office, only more dangerous and corruptible. Just like communism does not cure poverty, and welfare does not cure social ills, more police and more laws do not automatically result in less crime or a better standard of living. They result in a greater difference in power for the politically connected, and more votes for the anti-cop party.
5. Owning a gun today is an invitation to cops, and the local majority who regulate them, to confiscate every other one of your rights, under color of law. Guns have no practical use in defending against tyranny. They are used to enhance tyranny of the local majority, to the extent the local majority can “enforce” gun laws any way they want. They will even say it is right for cops to take your life without a day in court because you could have had a gun, even if you didn’t. “Stand your ground” laws just enable the local majority to decide afterwards, who should be allowed to shoot whom.
6. White people hate cops. Those who sailed on the Mayflower, did so to elude police. Rush Limbaugh believed he was targeted unjustly by an illegal search. Ann Coulter rants every day how Jacob Gardner and the Proud Boys and the Duke lacrosse players, were unjustly victimized by the justice system. It is because white people have had their own bad firsthand experiences with police, that they support Black Lives Matter. It is not because the media stirred them up with lies.
7. A significant number of people in the Republican Party have recently started to want to exterminate black people. This is a response to the OJ jury, and the smug mediocrity of Barack Obama, and the lies about Big Mike Brown and Ferguson,and a lot of other things. It is a reaction to actual events, and the way black people choose to define themselves. I am such a technical nerd, that I am blind to social concepts like race. But when a series of black people tried to mug me on consecutive days and weeks because I was on crutches, I began to hate black people. Republicans have a bunker mentality. They see Sincere Pierce’s mother as a marxist plant, pretending to be unhappy about a dead teenager to score political points. They see any concession to the validity of grievances, as encouraging aggression.
8. The justice system in the USA is built on the coerced lies of felons. Unlike any other industry, police are regulated by the local majority, and are encouraged to lie and cover up, to achieve local political aims. The flaws of the justice system are intentional, so that the local 51% majority can use mock trials to put undesirables in concentration camps.
9. The Republican Party has become a racket, even more so than Black Lives Matter. It is just a political formula which Republicans run like a computer program for power and cash. Promise to stop immigration, never punish cops, always increase prison sentences, say the word “Christmas”, don’t require masks for COVID, and you will appeal to some silent majority. And if you lose you are never wrong, the other side cheated. We are in the era of formula Republicans. The previous generation of thoughtful Republicans innovated philosophies to elucidate the problems of their time. But they became victims of their own success. With the advent of talk radio and books, and Twitter, it just became a racket. Just repackage the old talking points, say liberals are idiots, and raise cash cash cash. The conservative philosophy has been taken over by sociopathic promoters who have no real clue about anything. Trump said look at this guy Limbaugh, millions of listeners, he is onto something. Trump was going to start a mega church. But he is just a salesman selling whatever is hot. So he decided to sell what Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter were selling. Really just a classic businessman, veering into whatever industry is hot. And then bring your superior marketing skills and economies of scale, and push out the mom and pops who started it, like Blockbuster Video. The “conservative” brand is sold like iphones or handbags, with an appeal to vanity. It is a sense of moral superiority, bottled and delivered.
10. Republicans have become what they hated, an irrational religious tribe, a mob. They have become for the first time convinced of their own moral superiority. Republicans are how Thomas Sowell described liberals in “The Vision of the Anointed”; they believe the universe is imperfect because others aren’t as morally pure as them. Republicans are what Thomas Sowell warned against in “Knowledge and Decisions” and what Friedrich Hayek cautioned against in “The Road to Serfdom”; they believe outcomes are not the result of the incentives and constraints in systems and institutions, but a result of replacing the bad people with the good people, e.g. Germans with British. People like Ann Coulter want to elect Republican prosecutors to protect the Proud Boys from being unfairly targeted, rather than enhance the checks and balances to prevent prosecutors from being politicized, as suggested in Federalist 51. People like Ann Coulter now confuse moral preferences with rights. Just like liberals say everyone has a right to a living wage and a nice house, Coulter says things like nobody should have to spend energy for decades to keep killers from getting out on parole, without looking at the tradeoffs and byproducts. Perhaps the biggest political transformation of the Republican Party has been a result of social media. Our “great debate” used to be between the collectivists, the communicators who lived in cities on the one side. And the individuals with their own religions who wished to be left out of this grand vision, to be left on their own, on the other side. The first person I am aware of to pull these people in “flyover country” together into a collective tribe, was Rush Limbaugh. Rush enabled all these individuals who wanted to be left alone, to realize there were millions of others like them, a majority. Their first rally was Dan’s bake sale. I was there. But with Rush it was mostly one-way, he was a broadcaster. Twitter and Facebook enabled these individuals who once only wanted to be left alone to be rational in their own sphere, to form into an aggressive tribe to fight back against the liberals. They became utopian, and convinced of their own moral superiority, just like the liberal collective. They actually came to a point where rather than wanting to be left alone, they hoped to create a utopia where everyone agrees with them, where everyone is the same, and where all the bad impulses of man were not given consideration in the plan. They came to believe they could cure the ills of the world, by exterminating those who disagreed with them. This is an abandonment of the ideals of our Founders, who began with the assumption that man is evil and different religious factions will exist and will want to destroy each other. Our Founders then sought to create a system which channeled and constrained and diffused the vicious impulses of men to form into a mob, and destroy those with different religions. Today’s Republicans have abandoned the road of classical liberalism and tolerance, in favor of a more ambitious utopian vision. Today’s Republicans are ideologically more similar to the French revolutionaries whom Ann Coulter claims are misguided.
Like Rush’s 10 undeniable truths, the real point is to prove the single truth than man lives in a vain and comforting illusion. It is not possible for men or mankind to have a rational view of race, or anything else. Man is a benighted mob. Any policy that begins with any other assumption, is utopian and doomed to fail. As a result, race problems don’t go away. And there is no rational solution. But only alternative competing popular myths and religious concepts and laws, with better and worse results in mitigating racial conflict.
I don’t know what they are teaching about race and culture in schools. And almost everything liberal academics say is crazy and wrong. But I am open to the idea that saying “race is a social construct” could be an incrementally beneficial mob myth.
Better yet, Republicans should go back to solving problems on an individual, not a collective level. And to promoting the idea that people should leave each other alone. “The environment” is anything which nobody owns. Republicans should stop being militant environmentalists, worried about things they don’t own. Owning a gun today is nothing, compared to the First, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth amendments, all of which are to be trampled in the Republican utopia.
Breitbart: Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) urged police officers on Monday to relocate to Florida because “they’re going to be supported” in a “better” culture.
We’re in the grifter stage of the Republican Party, where people just recite what worked in 1985. Trump saw what Limbaugh and Coulter were selling. So he came to town like Blockbuster, and put the mom-and-pops out of business.
DeSantis is mostly just a formula Republican. He talks about “fake news” to be like Trump. He has no philosophy. He just thinks being “tough on crime” and reciting some stuff will get him 51% of the vote. But it might only get him 48%.
DeSantis passed a bill on intellectual property and colleges, and said it was to stop Cuba and Venezuela stealing Florida’s intellectual property. DeSantis passed a bill to interfere with the religion taught at public colleges. And he brought some woman from Nicaragua up there to say it was saving her kids from not knowing the evil of Nicaragua. So everything is just a calculation, adding up the Florida interest groups, to try to get to 51%. But if you think more white people like cops than actually do, your math comes out wrong and you lose.
DeSantis is just a shallow, soulless, calculating dweeb whose core philosophy makes more sense than Democrats. But he will pretend to be Darth Vader if he thinks it will get him the Republican nomination.
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