IDEA WARFARE IN THE INFORMATION AGE – A Heretic’s View on the Crosley Green Hoax

IDEA WARFARE IN THE INFORMATION AGE – A Heretic’s View on the Crosley Green Hoax

Most of the structure of a cell is used for replicating. Most of the human mind is used for imitating. Almost everything people do, from the words they use to the professions they aspire to, to their morals and how they furnish their homes, is imitated. The problem is people are idea sluts. They will absorb any moral or idea good or bad, which will spread through the population like a disease. This can destroy the minds of an entire population faster than any check from fact, logic, or experience.

Another human talent is spreading ideas. There are people whose gift and habit is to put ideas in the minds of others, like a woodpecker pecks or a beaver builds dams. They are as indifferent as alligators to the quality and consequences of the ideas they spread. The health of the habits of the population therefore relies on some sorts of institutions to conserve and spread the good ideas like a genetic code. And there also needs to be an immune system to kill off the sociopaths spreading random ideas.

So within a society there are heretics. These might be girls of low moral character, who would lead others into a breakdown of the habits and family structures that stanchion society. Such females might be stoned to death in Iran, or burned, or framed as witches and hanged in the United States. And men can be executed, or simply excommunicated or exiled, if their family and other ties would create too large a backlash to execution, leading to feuds and civil war. Or, like cancer, the demagogues often win.

And between societies with different ideas, there is survival of the fittest. One society might blame crop failures on not working hard enough or being sinful. Another society might blame crop failures on evil spirits, or foreigners such as Jews poisoning the fields. One society might believe the highest calling is to be a fisherman, another society a warrior. Just as there are immune systems within a society, societies will attack neighbors militarily, with the economically fittest displacing the other.

Historically, the genetic vessels of competing ideas were literally destroyed, the structures burned and the people murdered. Religions, from Islam to Hitler’s teachings in Mein Kampf, prescribed that the competition had to be physically eliminated. A more Christian idea came to dominate, where people could be converted rather than killed. This had an economic advantage of preserving the people and physical structures. The conflict could be won by a victory and destruction solely in the space of ideas.

In the present day, this has evolved into propaganda as a freestanding weapon of war, not used in support of a physical war. We simply defame the witches and cripple them with lies, without needing to drown or burn them. So interestingly, the healthy immune system consists of people who act as cells spreading lies about the competition. The physiology of an ideology includes not only organs for conserving and spreading core beliefs, but also an immune system for spreading lies and incitement, and to discredit.

Viewed in this way, the reflex destruction of the reputation of Kim Hallock with lies, is the standard product of a social organ necessary for human survival, like a kidney. Viewed in isolation, what the organ does is quite remarkable: It propagates the lie among thousands of people that a rape victim murdered her boyfriend, based on little more than Chip Flynn was too delirious to say anything but “get me out of here”, combined with the spontaneous and beneficial human reflexes of recitation and incitement.

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