There is often a debate whether human vices can be better managed without a strict prohibition. The prohibition of alcohol in the United States spawned a huge black market of organized crime. People often say if everyone is smoking marijuana, then instead of putting ordinary people in jail, why not legalize and tax it. It is better for prostitution to be legal and regulated, than to take place behind closed doors, where the vulnerable can more easily be exploited.
I am currently involved in a federal case against the Speaker of the Florida Legislature, who is an esteemed member of the Florida Bar, and graduated at the top of his class at Stetson University College of Law, Chris Sprowls. In that case, this man of laws Chris Sprowls has invoked immunity, to obstruct discovery in a federal court, of the crimes of a Deputy Sheriff Robert Weil who committed felony perjury in an arrest affidavit in Pinellas County 21-00796-CF.
The public approves of Deputy Weil using perjury to get around the courts and the law, to arrest me. And certainly Speaker Chris Sprowls approves of and protects it, just as Speaker Sprowls may smoke marijuana for all I know. But the problem when what the public demands is a crime – in this case Florida Statute 837.02 – is it forces the delivery of the good into the shadows. No member of the public really knows exactly how much Deputy Weil lied, to approve or disapprove of it.
In another case, my friend Mandi May Jackson is serving life without parole from age 21 for a crime that didn’t happen, it was invented by police. That police faked every category of evidence, and let dangerous felons out of prison as a reward for telling lies that contradicted honest evidence at trial, cannot be disputed, but only ignored with omerta. ASPD Officer Jackson Athaide faked video, CSI Alison Smolarek faked bloody gloves, every witness lied, all this is documented thoroughly.
The girl has a brain injury which dooms her to a life of aimless hyperactivity. And there is a public demand to keep her locked in isolation, and sedated to stop her screaming and crying all day, even though the crime she was convicted of did not actually happen. One of the reasons is the lies which police told to lock her up, and which the public demands police use, are crimes. So they will fight to the end to keep her in prison, because they cannot openly admit their standard practice involves the use of perjury.
The origin of this is that men are born with an impulse to kill their neighbors. Man is designed for the environment in which he originally lived, when like an animal, his survival depended on land resources. Animals in the wild pay no price for bloody conflict, because they are capable of producing more children than the land can support. Culling makes life better for the survivors. With no natural predators, the job of culling men to keep the population in check, was the burden of other men.
So today, it is always the first instinct of men to imagine they can move closer to utopia, by cleansing the bad members out of society. The superficial design of criminal justice in the United States is to punish people for what they did, not for who they are. But the actual demand, like the demand for alcohol during prohibition, is for the local 51% majority faction to overlook perjury, to subvert juries and the courts, to sweep undesirables off the streets and achieve eugenics by incarceration.
Throughout our history, the men who designed our constitutional system of laws knew what they were doing was against human nature. Madison in Federalist 51 said the 51% majority faction will always abuse the minority like animals in the wild. From Franklin to Washington to Lincoln, they all said what we are doing is fragile because it is not natural. The standard condition of man is bondage and misery and subjugation. It happens everywhere in the world, and we will succumb to it.
For thousands of years there was slavery everywhere. There were different classes of citizens in the greatest civilizations, from Sparta to the United States. Nobody wanted to be a slave. But nobody had any ambition that the human race could do any better. When man advanced from hunting and gathering to agriculture, most people worked on farms. No freed slave was going to enter a specialist trade, by opening a Starbucks or becoming a biochemist. So a civilization that outlawed slavery had no survival advantage.
Nobody tried to artificially outlaw slavery, with an unnatural slavery prohibition before its time. Slavery went away because of technological advances that increased productivity and freed people to find other opportunities. It is because so few people work in agriculture, and we have trades and specializations and the price system, that people can be more optimally employed in innovation and entrepreneurship, by being free. The most advanced nations got rid of slavery first, but not because of unrealistic ideals.
People say our nation at its founding was imperfect. Our founders owned slaves. Only tax-paying white males could vote. But this was the best system possible within the realities of human nature. It did not attempt to do something unrealistic, that then forced the reality of the human condition into the shadows in a black market. We knew who was really voting, slaves were traded openly. It was all out in the open, the bondage and torture were subject to public scrutiny and analysis and optimal adjustment.
There have always been mock trials. Man has always hated juries, and the mob has always demanded direct democratic control to subjugate their neighbors, rather than some mechanical process like the justice system or the capitalist system of free auctions. One big difference is that because our Constitution was written before economists had a chance to analyze the industrial revolution, it did not specifically prohibit government interference in the economy, which would have forced this demand to be met illegally.
People say the Constitution is lacking, because while it addressed individual freedom in the political process, it did not sufficiently constrain government interference in the economy, which was a new and little-understood phenomenon. I take the opposite view. Constitutional constraints on collective government interference in the economy would have been so contrary to human nature, it would have forced an illegal shadow government to operate parallel to the facade, or simply led to war and revolution.
The problem we have today, is the equilibrium level of human aggression and torture, like the consumption of alcohol during prohibition, is greater than what can be openly regulated and optimized in our democratic process. Because what the public demands – what Solon would call the best system of laws the people can bear – is forbidden by the Constitution including new amendments. We created a system that forces the best the human race is capable of, and what people actually want, into a black market.
Today in Florida, it is standard practice for locally elected prosecutors to overlook crimes against children, by VIP’s and government officials in their own faction. It is standard for the local majority faction – the 51% percent that elects the mayor or sheriff – to overlook police and witnesses lying, to enforce what they wish the law was and lock up the people they don’t like. Judges welcome lies to fix cases for politically convenient outcomes, a facade of legality which is opaque to higher courts.
The problem is the justice system is used for something different from what it is designed for, in a fake and hidden way. It shoehorns the universal demand for tribal justice, into a system designed to punish the guilty and free the innocent in a utopian but unrealistic system of rights that nobody wants. And so we know, for example, that the prisons are full of innocents. But we don’t know who or how many. Is it mainly drug users who were framed for other crimes? How many people are really in prison just because they are black?
And so my proposal is that we roll back or remove these Constitutional amendments, like repealing prohibition. And each community openly, and with public oversight and majority approval, puts the people in concentration camps that they want to put in concentration camps. No cops have to lie in affidavits, nobody has to waste years arguing in appeals courts. This is the minimum practical population of the unpopular and the losers, people who will be locked up and tortured whether it is legal or not, no matter the system.
Call it constitutional tribalism, organized and government-internalized conflict – violence within a larger system of stability like a football league. One of the best things is people will no longer demand communism or other economically authoritarian features, just to fulfill their impulse to punish their neighbors. If they hate the rich, they can lock them in concentration camps and exterminate them, without having to nationalize industry or do it under a guise of promising to provide healthcare to the poor.
And then Speaker Sprowls can send his deputy to lock me up without breaking the law. He can just say I am a powerful person and I don’t like this guy. And the public doesn’t care if he is locked in a box, they rather enjoy it. And if the public says we want to do this to more people, or we want to do it to less or different people, we can vote on it. And the public knows exactly who is in there and why, the public demand is met, and human nature is in harmony with its political system and honest with itself.

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