I have heard police lying justified many ways. I have heard someone say suppose there were two people and it is not possible to prove which one pulled the trigger, or owned the drugs. It is better for police to lie to lock both of them up, than to have the guilty one get away. And it is the innocent person’s own fault for hanging out with dirtbags.
I have heard people straight up say “We don’t care what really happened, police lying and forcing lowlifes to lie about each other, is our opportunity to get them off the streets and make the world a better place.”
I have heard a cop say approximately “Nobody likes framing the innocent. But sometimes it is necessary to force them to testify against the big fish whom we know is guilty but have no evidence against.”
I have heard a judge say “Sometimes I know the cops are lying. But it’s the best system we have. The world is not perfect and the alternative is criminals get away with it.”
Somebody might complain “There was a shooting at a party so me and my friend tried to drive out of there in a hurry, and a cop pulled us over and planted drugs on my friend and searched our car, and my friend lost his job.” A cop will respond “If you are not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about. Nothing good happens after midnight.”
Someone will say “DNA proved 20 years later that a jailhouse witness who convicted someone of murder, was straight lying. And anyone can predict a jailhouse witness is lying based on simple math, the number who are ready and willing and know they will be rewarded for lying.” A cop will say we need jailhouse witnesses, they are an important tool to solve crime. And judges won’t let you tell jurors how DNA proved, and math suggests, and the process allows and encourages, that they are liars. And nobody will ever be penalized or prosecuted for this crime of perjury.

Or someone will say “”Police should shoot a scumbag like Jacob Blake for the public good, who cares if he had a weapon or not.” And so they will condone police lying to say some dirtbag had a gun, or was pointing a gun, when it is a lie. Or they will say if police arrest someone with a past drug arrest and frame him for an unsolved murder, so what, it saved them having to pick him up over and over for the next 20 years, when statistics say he is otherwise likely to commit property crimes in the future.
Or people simply say so what police lied, they did the right thing locking up a guilty person, when they only think the person is guilty because the paper said he was because police lied, in a circular manner that retroactively justifies police lying about anything “for the public good”. So there are simple and brazen police lies where they just plainly frame the innocent for sport with zero excuse or mitigating factors.
Or people will say “I don’t believe it. You are just a marxist and I don’t believe that cop was really lying. And there is no real need to stop police lying, because when police lie it is a direct and inevitable consequence of your own poor life decisions. Instead of complaining that police lie, take some responsibility for your own actions, or the state of the world that forces police to lie. Don’t attack the solution.”
And there are infinite subtle variations, that add up to dozens of people saying in my presence that they support police lying in one form or another. And of course I have hard documentation of police and state witnesses committing perjury, and they are never prosecuted.
So Florida law lets cops abuse your kid worse than Jeffrey Epstein, and nobody has jurisdiction to do anything about it. They just have the papers print a lie that your kid deserved it, the law says you can’t sue the paper for lying if police agree, and the voters then support the lynching of your kid with lies.
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