Two lying cops did what cops do, incite a mob against a private citizen Kim Hallock with perjury. First, here is Kim Hallock’s 911 call. She describes a place in the woods where she has never been before, and where a black guy drove her while telling her to keep her head down. Notice she is very emotional.

Here is how Sergeant Diane Clarke described this area at a deposition on February 12, 1990.

First of all, let’s establish that these two deputies never met Kim Hallock in their lives. This is Sergeant Clarke in 1990:

This is Deputy Mark Rixey in his deposition on September 6, 1989:

Let’s establish there is no reason for these cops to believe Chip Flynn was lucid. Chip had supposedly been shot an hour earlier, and was minutes from death. If Chip was still lucid after an hour and minutes before death, he could have stood up and walked out in the first five minutes. But Rixey later described Chip as not having moved since being shot (without any justification for that belief).
Here is how Sergeant Clarke described Chip in 1990, when Rixey said even less but about the same thing:

And yet here is Sergeant Clarke in a sworn affidavit in 2010, completely inventing that Chip was lucid.

Here is Deputy Rixey straight lying in 2010 in a sworn affidavit, that Kim seemed emotionally detached, when in fact Rixey never saw Kim.

Here is Deputy Rixey lying in 2010 that Kim gave them the wrong location twice, when in fact it was clear that it was out in the woods and Kim didn’t claim to know exactly where it was.

Here are the documents to see yourself that these two cops Diane Clarke and Mark Rixey straight committed perjury to incite against a private citizen Kim Hallock in the Crosley Green case.

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