I don’t know what really happened in the Terry and Brenda Aultman murders, and I am still intrigued that Brenda advertised her location using a Life360 app. But I think Jean Macean is being irrationally targeted for multiple reasons, mainly his use of a knife instead of a gun, which seems strange to gun nuts and law enforcement in Florida. If Macean had used a gun and the races were reversed, people would have said was it a fight, could it have been self defense? So the characterization of the crime rests on killing with someone with a knife being more monstrous than what Curtis Reeves did to Chad Oulson in a movie theater, or what any off-duty cop claims to be justified in doing when someone bothers him, pursuant to the “stand your ground” law.
Jean Macean is receiving unequal treatment before the law based on using a knife instead of a gun which is Haitian culture, he is a weirdo from out of town, he is black, and because he dragged the bodies to hide them, whereas a local white off-duty cop would conceal his crime with a crazy self-defense story and by using his connections. And also because while Macean was pulling the body instead of using social means to cover up the crime, Brenda’s pants got partly pulled down, and her shirt pulled up. Using a gun to shoot scary black guys, is not less monstrous before the law, than using a knife to defend yourself against scary white people. And dragging bodies is not more monstrous than Phil Archer using a fraud accident analysis in the Passion Lucas case. Both are just the means to pursue the same motive when you are a black immigrant rather than a connected white person.
The most likely reason Macean went to Daytona Beach, is to socialize. If he wanted to stalk and murder, there are plenty of strip clubs and drunk people on Orange Blossom Trail where he lived, and he would not have waited until 1:00 AM. Macean’s use of the same credit card to go to Planet Fitness, suggests he believed he looked pretty good with his scarf and cowboy hat. Maybe he saw the outlandish outfits people wear at Bike Week, and thought his style would be better appreciated there. The best guess of what he was doing all day is socializing, walking around, looking at people, people looking at him, and talking to people. Brenda and Terry Aultman can drink beer at home. The purpose of going downtown is to come into contact with strangers. Being black and Haitian does not make Macean’s purpose of talking to strangers more sinister.
It is a little suspicious if Macean walked north on Grandview the whole way to Riverview, and then turned left into a residential area. But it is not certain that he was prowling or had any sinister motive. Maybe there were interesting bikes parked along the street. Maybe he thought there could be a house party. When you are a tourist in a beach party town, you don’t lose your right to go on walks by being black. And Macean was walking back toward the lights, 150 feet from a commercial block and approaching it, when he supposedly encountered the Aultmans. There is zero evidence Macean committed a crime during his detour or hoped to.
The only narrative I can come up with, is that Brenda then said something to Macean as they passed. We know almost zero about their personalities. But working at Goodwill supports the hypothesis that Brenda would not see wandering black guys wearing odd clothing as dangerous strangers. Brenda may have said something like “nice scarf” in reference to Macean’s burberry scarf. Macean then saw this as an opportunity to ask these people something in pursuit of his immediate goal. So Macean turned around and caught up with Brenda and said “Hey!” What’s up? “Could you spare five dollars, I am trying to take a bus home.” This story relies on Brenda’s bicycle being the one facing forward.
At this point, Terry turned around and rolled his bicycle back to where Brenda and Macean were, and said “Yo, don’t be coming up to my fucking wife.” This is a key moment, because Macean was standing still having a legal conversation, when he was approached by an angry drunk person. The last person to move was the bicycle facing the wrong direction. Brenda then said “Terry, relax.” Terry said to Brenda “Let’s go.” Macean said to Terry “Man can you take a chill pill for a minute?” Angry drunk Terry then attacked Macean. After Terry attacked Macean, Macean began stabbing Terry in self defense. At this point Brenda intervened, it was two on one, and Macean stood his ground, and slashed Brenda’s throat.
Macean was then charged with premeditated murder based on being Haitian and using a knife, and held without bond, putting him at a substantial disadvantage to legally defend himself compared to white locals who use a gun and are culturally programmed to claim self defense. When you are held without bond police listen to your calls and destroy or avoid exonerating evidence you mention, and learn your alibi and defense. They can plant incriminating items in your house. They can coerce jailhouse witnesses to claim you confessed. It deprives you of the opportunity to collect and preserve your own exonerating evidence, and develop your own defense witnesses. It deprives you of the opportunity to defend yourself in public and tell your own family you are innocent.
Curtis Reeves was not badgered for 11 hours, to torture him to say something they could use in front of a jury. Curtis Reeves was not dragged around in chains and forced to apologize by news reporters. No TV station or police chief, put on a spectacle by having Chad Oulson’s wife wail on TV how Curtis Reeves is a monster, which he is. The reason is because Curtis Reeves is not Haitian, and used a gun which did not give Chad Oulson’s wife a chance to stop him, only shoot her finger off. People of Daytona Beach are many times more likely to have their families killed by someone using a gun like Curtis Reeves.
This is not a narrative I designed to fit an agenda. This is the best narrative I can come up with to explain the evidence, the bicycles, and the lack of motive. So it poses a legal question: Can black Haitian people from out of town stand their ground with a knife? More generally, is it less legal to use a knife to kill in self defense, or just less American? And is it more monstrous when unconnected people try to hide their crimes, than when connected people do it with smooth talking and smart lawyers and fake accident reports? White off-duty cops kill people with a gun for stupid reasons and use stand your ground, and the victims are just as dead. And if their coverup is successful that makes it even more monstrous. And the people who cheer the killing they did as removing undesirables, are monsters also.
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