How Republicans Became Marxists – Explaining Dirtbag And Tool State Attorney Phil Archer In A Historical Philosophical Context

It wasn’t long ago that leaders in the Republican Party were guided by the work of great philosophers. They sought to answer the questions: What form of civilization, what rules and what government, will lead to the greatest prosperity? And why do men, in most nations throughout history, choose something else? What makes America great? And why do people want to discard it, so that we have to fight them over the centuries?
The most clear answer was provided in “The Fatal Conceit” by Friedrich Hayek. Men prefer Marxism and tribalism over freedom and private property, because their instincts and impulses are designed for a bygone world. Thousands of years ago, when men lived in small tribes, they operated as collectives. All members of the tribe had a single vantage point and knew who was doing what. All activities of members of the tribe were subordinated to the common good. There was perfect knowledge and control.
People who went off and did their own thing were seen as amoral. Outsiders were seen as threatening, and as thieves of scarce resources. People with competing values had to be exterminated, for survival.
With specialization and trade and the industrial revolution, private property, voluntary association, individual autonomy, and coexistence of competing religions in the same community, prosperity came through tolerance, basically leaving your neighbor to do his own thing. Despite the enormous wealth and prosperity this actually produces, the tribal instinct perceives this arrangement as a selfish, uncaring, amoral anarchy.
Karl Marx recognized that the price signal supervises activity in a way a conscious planner cannot. The Physiocrats tried to explain it as “a natural order, which is both different from and superior to an order consciously designed by man”. Economist Adam Smith tried to explain it is as if there is an “invisible hand” arranging all this for your benefit, even if you can’t see or understand everything that is going on. But people don’t want an invisible hand, their instinct is for direct control.
Marxism was recognized to be a rebellion against this evolution and advancement of society, so that large numbers of people could again live as a collective. Marxism is a rebellion of the ancient tribal impulse, against the evolution and advancement of society.
Today’s Republicans think they are against Marxism, because they are for private business. But China has private business and billionaires. As do the “socialist democracies” in Europe. And Republicans are not for private business, when they think that business is amoral. Republicans have lost their faith in laissez faire, when faced with the power of large businesses like Facebook and Amazon.
So what are Republicans for, that makes America unique and great? Republicans’ highest value is their most tribal instinct of all, the Second Amendment. Republicans think their most important right is not free trade with foreign nations, or the right of businesses and immigrants to do what they want outside an individual’s tiny suburban plot. Republicans think their uniquely American inheritance is the right to shoot threatening strangers.
Republicans are for their own private values – their moral views on things like abortion – being protected against strangers. They are not for the system which protects their values, and the freedom to have their own religion and values. They are for the values themselves. And that makes them no different from any tribe. They would have no problem if religious freedom was replaced with their own religion as the state religion.
So Republicans have chosen the subset of “American” things which fit with their tribal instincts, and discarded the rest. And Republicans delude themselves to believing that when they are indulging their impulses, their most self-centered preferences, they are actually being patriotic American nationalists.
The area in which Republicans are in most open rebellion of their primitive instincts against an evolved, advanced society, is in the area of what they call “law and order”. Republicans have replaced the sophisticated evolution of jurisprudence, with a backsliding toward basically tribal justice. What they now call a “Constitutional sheriff” is just a person who ignores the larger legal framework evolved over the ages, to instead do what the majority of the local tribe collectively demands. One of their most celebrated jurists at one time, Robert Bork, characterized such an abandonment of evolved norms in favor of instincts as “slouching towards Gomorrah.”
In this new Republican legal framework – which is really just a primitive tribal framework – there are not things like sophisticated rules and jury trials. There are just good and bad people. So if a person has been accused of doing something that goes against the mainstream of local morals like using heroin, that person’s photo is published in the local paper, and he becomes a pariah. From that point on, he has no rights. Police can fake evidence against him to circumvent the evolved jury trial and legal framework, and basically achieve eugenics by putting him in a concentration camp. And police will be rewarded for such misconduct to circumvent the evolved legal order, to torture and kill this enemy within, in a most vicious, sadistic, and tribal way.
When police lie, it is a direct and inevitable consequence of other people’s poor life decisions – a good and necessary remedy, to keep the tribe pure. Police stretching the truth in affidavits is a remedy to the evolved legal order which too often stands in the way of justice. Just like the evolved market economy seems to operate without generosity or empathy or morality, and therefore stands in the way of social justice, and leaves people behind. In other words, when there are bad people and tribal outsiders, we have to discard and circumvent all this legal technicality for the public good. Just like taxing the rich to give to the poor, because what the system produces is not good enough. We have to fight the system, to deliver what our impulses demand. Like standing up to “the man”, totally hippie and degenerate.
I used the word “whore” in an email to State Attorney Phil Archer about pimping in Florida, with a picture of a Florida Republican political VIP on Air Force One with President Trump, while Trump’s tribe was raiding the capitol in Washington. Since then, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s office has literally filed a pleading in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida, which says I have no Constitutional rights because I used the word whore. They can detain me any time, without a crime or a charge, or probable cause, or even a civil tort, because it is right and good because I am a bad and “toxic” person, an immoral person who has sinned at some time in the past.
It has actually become expected, in the Republican Party in Florida, for a judge to accept this reasoning. These Republicans imagine their impulse is actually some kind of American patriotism. But it is in fact a rebellion of the most primitive tribal impulses, against the evolution of society, and against the most advanced legal framework ever created. Their capitulation to primitive impulses over the evolved order, to the point of discarding the Constitution of our nation because someone is an outsider to their tribe, and because the evolved legal framework does not satisfy their human impulses, is the essence of Marxism.
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